The slightly diminutive and gap-toothed comedian Paul Scheer burst onto the scene in the early 2000s as a standup comic and producer of television specials, usually for the stations HBO and Comedy Central. Scheer also appeared frequently on the VH1 program Best Week Ever and guested as an occasional commentator on NBC's seminal Today Show. He is best known, however, for his acting and writing collaborations with fellow schtickmeisters Rob Huebel and Aziz Ansari, with whom he developed, produced, wrote, and appeared in Human Giant. Culling inspiration from such sources as Saturday Night Live, The State, and MADtv, this consistently irreverent collection of outrageous and bawdy comedy sketches reeled in a sizeable audience when it premiered in 2007. Scheer also appeared in the 2006 Billy Bob Thornton comedy School for Scoundrels. In addition to parts in Meet Dave, Bride Wars, and Piranha, Scheer co-hosts the movie-related podcast How Did This Get Made?