
An actor since the age of ten, Canadian Corey Haim is one of the few juvenile performers to thrive in wacky comedy roles. He started out with relatively straight parts in films like Lucas (1986), in which he effectively played one of filmdom's rare three-dimensional "nerds." But in laughgetters like License to Drive (1988) and Dream Machine (1991), Haim has demonstrated comic skills above and beyond those of the films' comparatively unimaginative screenwriters. He was also a regular on the TV sitcom Roomies (1987), where once again he was markedly better than his material. His recent appearances in theatrical bombs and direct-to-video potboilers have somewhat diminished Haim's industry clout but have not slowed him down. Haim is frequently co-starred (and frequently confused) with his contemporary namesake Corey Feldman.


Corey Haim
December 23, 1971 - March 10, 2010 (aged 38)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


An actor since the age of ten, Canadian Corey Haim is one of the few juvenile performers to thrive in wacky comedy roles. He started out with relatively straight parts in films like Lucas (1986), in which he effectively played one of filmdom's rare three-dimensional "nerds." But in laughgetters like License to Drive (1988) and Dream Machine (1991), Haim has demonstrated comic skills above and beyond those of the films' comparatively unimaginative screenwriters. He was also a regular on the TV sitcom Roomies (1987), where once again he was markedly better than his material. His recent appearances in theatrical bombs and direct-to-video potboilers have somewhat diminished Haim's industry clout but have not slowed him down. Haim is frequently co-starred (and frequently confused) with his contemporary namesake Corey Feldman.

Director / Producer

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