
The Flash

Season 6 (2019, TVPG)

Season 6 (2019, TVPG)7.4

The Flash

Season 6 (2019, TVPG)

Season 6 (2019, TVPG)



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Action, Adventure, Crime drama, Drama, Fantasy, Science fiction


At 11, Barry Allen's life changed completely when his mother died in a freak accident and his innocent father was convicted of her murder. Now a crime-scene investigator, his dedication to learn the truth about his mother's death drives him to follow up on every new scientific advancement and urban legend. When his latest obsession -- a particle accelerator heralded as a world-changing invention -- causes an explosion, it creates a freak storm and Barry is struck by lightning. He awakes from a coma nine months later with the power of superspeed. When he learns that others who have gained powers use them for evil, he dedicates himself to protecting the innocent, while still trying to solve the older mystery.


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Grant Gustin

Barry Allen/The Flash

Grant Gustin

Candice Patton

Iris West-Allen

Candice Patton

Candice Patton

Iris West

Candice Patton

Danielle Panabaker

Caitlin Snow

Danielle Panabaker

Carlos Valdes

Cisco Ramon/Vibe

Carlos Valdes

Jesse L. Martin

Detective Joe West

Jesse L. Martin

Hartley Sawyer

Ralph Dibny / Elongated Man

Hartley Sawyer

Tom Cavanagh

Dr. Harrison Wells

Tom Cavanagh

Danielle Nicolet

Cecile Horton

Danielle Nicolet

Tom Cavanagh

Harrison 'Harry' Wells / Harrison 'H.R.' Wells / Harrison Wells

Tom Cavanagh

LaMonica Garrett

Mar Novu /The Monitor

LaMonica Garrett

Brandon McKnight

Chester P. Runk

Brandon McKnight

Danny Trejo

Guest Star

Danny Trejo

Cress Williams

Black Lightning

Cress Williams

Natalie Sharp

Millie Rawlins / Sunshine

Natalie Sharp

Troy James

Rag Doll

Troy James

David Sobolov

Gorilla Grodd (voice)

David Sobolov

Katee Sackhoff

Amunet Black / Blacksmith

Katee Sackhoff

Sendhil Ramamurthy

Dr. Ramsey Rosso / Bloodwork

Sendhil Ramamurthy

Natalie Dreyfuss

Sue Dearbon

Natalie Dreyfuss

Efrat Dor

Eva McCulloch / Mirror Monarch

Efrat Dor

Andy Mientus

Hartley Rathaway / Pied Piper

Andy Mientus

Kayla Compton

Allegra Garcia / Maya

Kayla Compton

Keiynan Lonsdale

Wally West / Kid Flash

Keiynan Lonsdale

Patrick Sabongui

David Singh / Chief David Singh / Mirror Chief David Singh

Patrick Sabongui

John Wesley Shipp

Henry Allen / Jay Garrick / The Flash

John Wesley Shipp

Keith David


Keith David

Eric Nenninger


Eric Nenninger

Osric Chau

Ryan Choi

Osric Chau

Victoria Park

Kamilla Hwang / Mirror Kamilla Hwang

Victoria Park

Stephen Amell

Oliver Queen / Green Arrow / Dark Arrow

Stephen Amell

Ryan Handley


Ryan Handley

David Ramsey

John Diggle / Spartan

David Ramsey

Stephanie Izsak

Officer Daisy Korber / Captain Daisy Korber / Uni #1

Stephanie Izsak

Jessica Parker Kennedy

Nora West-Allen / XS / Mystery Girl

Jessica Parker Kennedy

Rick Cosnett

Eddie Thawne / Dr. Malcolm Gilmore / Cobalt Blue

Rick Cosnett

Neil Webb


Neil Webb

Michelle Harrison

Nora Allen / Speed Force Nora / Joan Williams

Michelle Harrison

Jon Cor

Mark Blaine / Chillblaine

Jon Cor

Tom Felton

Dr. Julian Albert

Tom Felton

Teddy Sears

Jay Garrick / The Flash / Hunter Zolomon

Teddy Sears

Violett Beane

Jesse Wells / Jesse Quick

Violett Beane

Carmen Moore

Kristen Kramer

Carmen Moore

Tony Todd

Zoom (voice)

Tony Todd

Chris Klein

Orlin Dwyer / Cicada

Chris Klein

Kim Engelbrecht

Marlize DeVoe / The Mechanic

Kim Engelbrecht

Wentworth Miller

Leonard Snart / Captain Cold / Leo Snart

Wentworth Miller

Tobin Bell

Doctor Alchemy / Savitar (voice)

Tobin Bell

Robbie Amell

Ronnie Raymond / Firestorm / Death Storm

Robbie Amell

Neil Sandilands

Clifford DeVoe / The Thinker

Neil Sandilands

Christian Magby

Deon Owens / Negative Deon Owens

Christian Magby

Victor Garber

Dr. Martin Stein / Digsy's Husband / Prof. Martin Stein (voice)

Victor Garber

Andre Tricoteux

Savitar / Carl Bork

Andre Tricoteux

Shantel VanSanten

Patty Spivot

Shantel VanSanten

Jessica Camacho


Jessica Camacho

Logan Williams

Young Barry Allen

Logan Williams

Matt Letscher

Eobard Thawne / Reverse-Flash

Matt Letscher

Alexa Barajas

Esperanza Garcia / Ultraviolet

Alexa Barajas

Rachel Drance

Taylor Downs

Rachel Drance

Emily Bett Rickards

Felicity Smoak

Emily Bett Rickards

Islie Hirvonen

Grace Gibbons

Islie Hirvonen

Mark Wynn


Mark Wynn


Linda Park / Dr. Light


Lossen Chambers

Dr. Vanessa Ambres

Lossen Chambers

Dominic Purcell

Mick Rory / Heat Wave / Mick Rory (voice)

Dominic Purcell

Amanda Pays

Dr. Tina McGee

Amanda Pays

Vanessa Williams

Francine West

Vanessa Williams

Sarah Carter

Grace Gibbons / Cicada

Sarah Carter

Sonia Beeksma

Reporter / News Reporter / KPJT Reporter

Sonia Beeksma

Klarc Wilson

Officer Jones

Klarc Wilson

Damion Poitier

Keith / Goldface

Damion Poitier

Susan Walters

Dr. Carla Tannhauser

Susan Walters

Shayan Bayat

Aariz Mousa

Shayan Bayat

Ashley Rickards

Rosalind Dillon / Top

Ashley Rickards

Jordan Fisher

Bart Allen / Impulse

Jordan Fisher

Sara Garcia

Alexa Rivera / Fuerza / Negative Alexa Rivera

Sara Garcia

Ennis Esmer

Bashir Malik / Psych / Negative Bashir Malik

Ennis Esmer

Liam McIntyre

Mark Mardon / Weather Wizard

Liam McIntyre

Everick Golding

Trevor Shinick / Corrections Officer

Everick Golding

Melissa Benoist

Kara Danvers / Supergirl / Overgirl

Melissa Benoist

Audrey Marie Anderson

Lyla Michaels / Harbinger

Audrey Marie Anderson

Donna Pescow

Dr. Sharon Finkel

Donna Pescow

Max Adler

Jaco Birch / The Hotness

Max Adler

Ken Camroux

Judge Hankerson

Ken Camroux

Brandon Routh

Ray Palmer / The Atom / Clark Kent

Brandon Routh

Tess Atkins


Tess Atkins

Eduard Witzke

Sterling Brooks / Robber

Eduard Witzke

Alexander Moonie

Marco / Marco the Barista / Barista Jason

Alexander Moonie

Javicia Leslie

Ryan Wilder / Red Death / Batwoman

Javicia Leslie

Mika Abdalla

Tinya Wazzo

Mika Abdalla

Jessica Hayles

Arielle Atkins

Jessica Hayles

Richard Harmon

Owen Mercer / Captain Boomerang

Richard Harmon


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