
  • Claims that she used to be very shy when she was young.
  • Was encouraged by her mother to be an advocate to the deaf community at a young age.
  • Became a teacher and gives classes for children from different backgrounds, from kindergarden to third grade.
  • Met her husband while she was studying in college he was visiting a friend.
  • Has been recognized as an advocate of the deaf and signing community especially in supporting American Sign Language as a mainstream language.

Lauren Ridloff
April 6, 1978 (age 46)
Chicago, Illinois, USA


  • Claims that she used to be very shy when she was young.
  • Was encouraged by her mother to be an advocate to the deaf community at a young age.
  • Became a teacher and gives classes for children from different backgrounds, from kindergarden to third grade.
  • Met her husband while she was studying in college he was visiting a friend.
  • Has been recognized as an advocate of the deaf and signing community especially in supporting American Sign Language as a mainstream language.

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