
Burly character actor Ramon Bieri made his first professional stage appearance in 1954. A film performer from 1970, Bieri has often shown up as rednecks and rabblerousers. One of his best-remembered screen assignments was also one of his smallest: as the strong-arm police captain in Warren Beatty's Reds, Bieri responded to Beatty's explanatory "I write" by growling " wrong!" A more affable Bieri was seen as Babe Ruth in the 1977 TV movie A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story. Ramon Bieri's many TV-series credits include the starring role of Detroit blue-collar worker Joe Wabash in Joe's World (1979-1980).

Ramon Bieri
June 16, 1929 - May 27, 2001 (aged 71)
St. Louis, Missouri, USA


Burly character actor Ramon Bieri made his first professional stage appearance in 1954. A film performer from 1970, Bieri has often shown up as rednecks and rabblerousers. One of his best-remembered screen assignments was also one of his smallest: as the strong-arm police captain in Warren Beatty's Reds, Bieri responded to Beatty's explanatory "I write" by growling " wrong!" A more affable Bieri was seen as Babe Ruth in the 1977 TV movie A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story. Ramon Bieri's many TV-series credits include the starring role of Detroit blue-collar worker Joe Wabash in Joe's World (1979-1980).

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