
British director Robert Day started out in various production-assistant capacities in 1938. After the war, Day stepped up to the position of lighting cameraman. He made a conspicuous directorial debut with the morbidly funny Alastair Sim vehicle The Green Man (1956), then tackled a variety of movie genres: science fiction (First Man Into Space), horror (Boris Karloff's The Haunted Strangler and Corridors of Blood), satirical comedy (Two Way Stretch), and that genre-unto-itself known as The Tarzan Film (five titles, including Tarzan's Three Challenges and Tarzan and the Great River). His films are distinguished by his realistic approach to the most ludicrous of subject matter, as witness his talking-baby farce Bobbykins (1960). An early arrival on the American made-for-TV movie scene, Day has megged such above-average efforts as Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones (1970), The House on Greenapple Road (1970), Banyon (1971), Marian Rose White (1982) and Cook & Perry: Race to the Pole (1983). In 1969, Robert Day married Hollywood actress Dorothy Provine.

Robert Day
September 11, 1922 - March 17, 2017 (aged 94)
Sheen, England, UK


British director Robert Day started out in various production-assistant capacities in 1938. After the war, Day stepped up to the position of lighting cameraman. He made a conspicuous directorial debut with the morbidly funny Alastair Sim vehicle The Green Man (1956), then tackled a variety of movie genres: science fiction (First Man Into Space), horror (Boris Karloff's The Haunted Strangler and Corridors of Blood), satirical comedy (Two Way Stretch), and that genre-unto-itself known as The Tarzan Film (five titles, including Tarzan's Three Challenges and Tarzan and the Great River). His films are distinguished by his realistic approach to the most ludicrous of subject matter, as witness his talking-baby farce Bobbykins (1960). An early arrival on the American made-for-TV movie scene, Day has megged such above-average efforts as Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones (1970), The House on Greenapple Road (1970), Banyon (1971), Marian Rose White (1982) and Cook & Perry: Race to the Pole (1983). In 1969, Robert Day married Hollywood actress Dorothy Provine.

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