
Goofy-looking Morgan Rusler exhibits a kind of PG-rated wackiness in his brand of comedy, although he also accepts supporting roles in feature films. His acting career began with an extensive background in theater productions at the Pasadena Playhouse and other venues around Hollywood. After receiving his M.F.A. from Cal Arts, he made several television guest-star appearances, most notably in Touched By an Angel. His first few films were mostly B-movie thrillers made in collaboration with director Douglas Campbell, including Out of the Darkness, The Perfect Tenant, and The Tomorrow Man. It wasn't until the one-joke independent comedy Shafted that he got his first starring role. He played a white guy named Steve who thought he was a '70s blaxploitation superhero. After a bit part as a sci-fi fan in Galaxy Quest, Rusler has since gained small roles in big movies like Steven Soderberg's Solaris and Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can.

Morgan Rusler


Goofy-looking Morgan Rusler exhibits a kind of PG-rated wackiness in his brand of comedy, although he also accepts supporting roles in feature films. His acting career began with an extensive background in theater productions at the Pasadena Playhouse and other venues around Hollywood. After receiving his M.F.A. from Cal Arts, he made several television guest-star appearances, most notably in Touched By an Angel. His first few films were mostly B-movie thrillers made in collaboration with director Douglas Campbell, including Out of the Darkness, The Perfect Tenant, and The Tomorrow Man. It wasn't until the one-joke independent comedy Shafted that he got his first starring role. He played a white guy named Steve who thought he was a '70s blaxploitation superhero. After a bit part as a sci-fi fan in Galaxy Quest, Rusler has since gained small roles in big movies like Steven Soderberg's Solaris and Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can.

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