
  • Is half French Canadian and half English.
  • Trained in acting, singing and many genres of dance.
  • At the age of 16 went on to train for three years at Laine Theatre Arts.
  • Originally auditioned for the lead role on Wynonna Earp but was later called back to read for Waverly.
  • Played Holly in Viva Forever!, a jukebox musical regarding the Spice Girls.
  • Best known for playing the part of Waverly Earp on the series Wynonna Earp.

Dominique Provost-Chalkley
March 24, 1990 (age 34)
Bristol, England, UK


  • Is half French Canadian and half English.
  • Trained in acting, singing and many genres of dance.
  • At the age of 16 went on to train for three years at Laine Theatre Arts.
  • Originally auditioned for the lead role on Wynonna Earp but was later called back to read for Waverly.
  • Played Holly in Viva Forever!, a jukebox musical regarding the Spice Girls.
  • Best known for playing the part of Waverly Earp on the series Wynonna Earp.

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