
Prominent German character actor Fritz Rasp was best known for playing boorish, lascivious fellows. Rasp began his career on-stage as a member of Max Reinhardt's theater in Berlin. He began playing minor roles in German films in 1915; by the 1920s, he had become a leading character actor in the films of Fritz Lang and other major German directors. Rasp continued appearing in films through the mid-'60s.

Fritz Rasp
May 13, 1891 - November 30, 1976 (aged 85)
Bayreuth, Germany


Prominent German character actor Fritz Rasp was best known for playing boorish, lascivious fellows. Rasp began his career on-stage as a member of Max Reinhardt's theater in Berlin. He began playing minor roles in German films in 1915; by the 1920s, he had become a leading character actor in the films of Fritz Lang and other major German directors. Rasp continued appearing in films through the mid-'60s.

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