
  • Played competitive hockey throughout the U.S. and Canada until the age of 13.
  • After his freshman season at Central Michigan, gave up his scholarship and took a job at Pizza Hut to earn money to help pay his way as a walk-on at the University of Wisconsin.
  • While still in college, created a nonprofit organization called the Justin J. Watt Foundation, which benefits elementary and middle schools that lack funding for sports and activities.
  • Was selected 11th in the 2011 NFL Draft by the Houston Texans.
  • Participated in a 2013 NFL-USO tour of U.S. military bases in the Middle East.

J.J. Watt
March 22, 1989 (age 35)
Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA


  • Played competitive hockey throughout the U.S. and Canada until the age of 13.
  • After his freshman season at Central Michigan, gave up his scholarship and took a job at Pizza Hut to earn money to help pay his way as a walk-on at the University of Wisconsin.
  • While still in college, created a nonprofit organization called the Justin J. Watt Foundation, which benefits elementary and middle schools that lack funding for sports and activities.
  • Was selected 11th in the 2011 NFL Draft by the Houston Texans.
  • Participated in a 2013 NFL-USO tour of U.S. military bases in the Middle East.

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