
Known to millions as the "Naked Chef," TV personality and chef Jamie Oliver began his culinary career by helping his parents cook in the kitchen of their family-owned pub and restaurant in Clavering, England. His talents developed and, in time, he enrolled in Westminster Catering College; after graduation he studied in France before returning to the U.K. to work as head pastry chef in the renowned Neal Street Restaurant. He then went on to work for Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers at the River Café, where he says he learned to create the fresh dishes that would become a staple of his repertoire. It was there that he was discovered by a TV producer, who felt sure that Oliver's natural charisma and talents in the kitchen would make him an ideal candidate for television. He made his debut on The Naked Chef, which ran in 1998 and 1999. Immensely popular, Oliver would continue to star in a string of cooking shows such as Oliver's Twist and Jamie's Kitchen, each showcasing his techniques in a new light. He would go on to be in several different cooking shows including Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, a program devoted to helping teach audiences how to eat healthier.


Jamie Oliver
May 27, 1975 (age 49)
Clavering, Essex, England, UK


Known to millions as the "Naked Chef," TV personality and chef Jamie Oliver began his culinary career by helping his parents cook in the kitchen of their family-owned pub and restaurant in Clavering, England. His talents developed and, in time, he enrolled in Westminster Catering College; after graduation he studied in France before returning to the U.K. to work as head pastry chef in the renowned Neal Street Restaurant. He then went on to work for Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers at the River Café, where he says he learned to create the fresh dishes that would become a staple of his repertoire. It was there that he was discovered by a TV producer, who felt sure that Oliver's natural charisma and talents in the kitchen would make him an ideal candidate for television. He made his debut on The Naked Chef, which ran in 1998 and 1999. Immensely popular, Oliver would continue to star in a string of cooking shows such as Oliver's Twist and Jamie's Kitchen, each showcasing his techniques in a new light. He would go on to be in several different cooking shows including Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, a program devoted to helping teach audiences how to eat healthier.


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