
  • The second youngest of five sons. 
  • Admits to having a stubborn streak.
  • Didn't set out to become an actor. He became hooked in college when, to kill time, he joined the drama society.
  • Took a year off after college to raise funds for drama school. Among his efforts: writing letters to celebrities asking for help. Some, such as Anthony Hopkins, sent donations. One who didn't: Clint Eastwood, who replied with a handwritten note saying "no"; he's since framed that letter.
  • Enjoys 1970s-era funk music, especially Stevie Wonder's; and rejects digital music in favor of vinyl.
  • Big fan of sports, especially golf, rugby and soccer. He supports the Sheffield Wednesday club. 
  • Favorite books include Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Flann O'Brien's The Third Policeman.

Richard Coyle
February 27, 1972 (age 52)
Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, UK


  • The second youngest of five sons. 
  • Admits to having a stubborn streak.
  • Didn't set out to become an actor. He became hooked in college when, to kill time, he joined the drama society.
  • Took a year off after college to raise funds for drama school. Among his efforts: writing letters to celebrities asking for help. Some, such as Anthony Hopkins, sent donations. One who didn't: Clint Eastwood, who replied with a handwritten note saying "no"; he's since framed that letter.
  • Enjoys 1970s-era funk music, especially Stevie Wonder's; and rejects digital music in favor of vinyl.
  • Big fan of sports, especially golf, rugby and soccer. He supports the Sheffield Wednesday club. 
  • Favorite books include Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Flann O'Brien's The Third Policeman.

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