
  • Was the second of six children; the family moved to Britain in 1960.
  • Father was a jazz musician and encouraged her to perform with him in local clubs.
  • Left school at 16 and studied for her A-levels in night school while working as a clerk at Barclays.
  • Performed on stage in Jesus Christ Superstar, Black Mikado and Hair before getting the part on Play School.
  • Author of numerous books, including the memoir Coming to England, published in 1995.
  • Took up marathons as a hobby when she turned 50, and made good on her vow to run in the London Marathon for 10 consecutive years in support of children's charities.
  • In 2010 joined the House of Lords as a Liberal Democrat life peer and gained the title Baroness Benjamin of Beckenham in recognition of her charity work.

Floella Benjamin
September 23, 1949 (age 74)
Pointe-A-Pierre, Trinidad and Tobago


  • Was the second of six children; the family moved to Britain in 1960.
  • Father was a jazz musician and encouraged her to perform with him in local clubs.
  • Left school at 16 and studied for her A-levels in night school while working as a clerk at Barclays.
  • Performed on stage in Jesus Christ Superstar, Black Mikado and Hair before getting the part on Play School.
  • Author of numerous books, including the memoir Coming to England, published in 1995.
  • Took up marathons as a hobby when she turned 50, and made good on her vow to run in the London Marathon for 10 consecutive years in support of children's charities.
  • In 2010 joined the House of Lords as a Liberal Democrat life peer and gained the title Baroness Benjamin of Beckenham in recognition of her charity work.

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