
Clean-cut American actor Michael Blain-Rozgay began his career with bit parts (typically playing everymen) in such series as NYPD Blue and The Bold and the Beautiful, then branched out into lead roles with a markedly strong presence in evangelical Christian films. These included the UFO-themed sci-fi thriller Unidentified (2006) and the romantic comedy Me and You, Us, Forever (2008), in a lead role as a nascent divorcée struggling with his plight as a single adult.

Michael Blain-Rozgay


Clean-cut American actor Michael Blain-Rozgay began his career with bit parts (typically playing everymen) in such series as NYPD Blue and The Bold and the Beautiful, then branched out into lead roles with a markedly strong presence in evangelical Christian films. These included the UFO-themed sci-fi thriller Unidentified (2006) and the romantic comedy Me and You, Us, Forever (2008), in a lead role as a nascent divorcée struggling with his plight as a single adult.

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