
The lithe and attractive African-American actress Valarie Rae Miller first attained public recognition as "Original Cindy" on the James Cameron-produced sci-fi actioner Dark Angel (2000-2002), starring Jessica Alba. After this stint, Miller branched out into big-screen supporting roles, with a marked emphasis on crime comedy (All About the Benjamins, Hollywood Homicide) and action thrillers (Crank). Miller would also enjoy roles on TV series like Smith, Reaper, and Men of a Certain Age.


Valarie Rae Miller
April 16, 1974 (age 50)
Fort Worth, Texas, USA


The lithe and attractive African-American actress Valarie Rae Miller first attained public recognition as "Original Cindy" on the James Cameron-produced sci-fi actioner Dark Angel (2000-2002), starring Jessica Alba. After this stint, Miller branched out into big-screen supporting roles, with a marked emphasis on crime comedy (All About the Benjamins, Hollywood Homicide) and action thrillers (Crank). Miller would also enjoy roles on TV series like Smith, Reaper, and Men of a Certain Age.


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