
Ohio native Eddie McClintock worked as a production assistant on set before pursuing an acting career. He made numerous guest appearances on TV shows like Felicity and Sex and the City throughout the 2000s, most notably taking on recurring roles on Bones, My Boys, and Desperate Housewives. McClintock's big break came in 2009 with a starring role on teh series Warehouse 13.


Eddie McClintock
May 27, 1967 (age 57)
North Canton, Ohio, USA


Ohio native Eddie McClintock worked as a production assistant on set before pursuing an acting career. He made numerous guest appearances on TV shows like Felicity and Sex and the City throughout the 2000s, most notably taking on recurring roles on Bones, My Boys, and Desperate Housewives. McClintock's big break came in 2009 with a starring role on teh series Warehouse 13.


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