
  • Received a National Merit Scholarship to attend college.
  • Only held one paying job prior to becoming a published author, working briefly as a receptionist for a real-estate agent in Arizona.
  • Was inspired to write the Twilight series based on a vivid dream.
  • Finished writing her first manuscript in only three months.
  • Was the best-selling author of 2008, selling 22 million books.
  • Is a practicing member of the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Stephenie Meyer
December 24, 1973 (age 50)
Hartford, Connecticut, USA


  • Received a National Merit Scholarship to attend college.
  • Only held one paying job prior to becoming a published author, working briefly as a receptionist for a real-estate agent in Arizona.
  • Was inspired to write the Twilight series based on a vivid dream.
  • Finished writing her first manuscript in only three months.
  • Was the best-selling author of 2008, selling 22 million books.
  • Is a practicing member of the Church of Latter Day Saints.

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