
  • Did not know her father was famous until middle school.
  • Was Miss Golden Globe in 2013.
  • Participated in a photo shoot with then-boyfriend Tyler Shields where she destroyed a Birkin handbag reported to be worth $100,000.
  • Played the younger version of a character played by her mother, Frances Fisher, on 2017 episode of Fargo.

Francesca Eastwood
August 7, 1993 (age 31)
Redding, California, USA


  • Did not know her father was famous until middle school.
  • Was Miss Golden Globe in 2013.
  • Participated in a photo shoot with then-boyfriend Tyler Shields where she destroyed a Birkin handbag reported to be worth $100,000.
  • Played the younger version of a character played by her mother, Frances Fisher, on 2017 episode of Fargo.

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