
Known for his mysterious, theatrical style and his deep, monotone voice, magician David Blaine became fascinated by magic at a young age. Born in Brooklyn and later raised in New Jersey, he soon began taking particular inspiration from the likes of Orson Welles and Titanic Thompson, who were pioneers in the niche field of street magic: tricks designed to be performed up close without the aid of a distant stage and dark theater. Blaine was able to hone his skills at the craft virtually anywhere, and by 1996 his act scored him a deal with ABC for a TV special titled David Blaine: Street Magic. The program captured him performing illusions for impressed and frequently terrified people in public places and was such a hit with audiences that he would go on to film several more specials in the years to come, each one capturing a new and seemingly more dangerous stunt, such as being encased in a block of ice for 63 hours and hanging upside down for a day and a half. Other stunts involved the extreme deprivation of oxygen, food, and water.


David Blaine
April 4, 1973 (age 51)
Brooklyn, New York, USA


Known for his mysterious, theatrical style and his deep, monotone voice, magician David Blaine became fascinated by magic at a young age. Born in Brooklyn and later raised in New Jersey, he soon began taking particular inspiration from the likes of Orson Welles and Titanic Thompson, who were pioneers in the niche field of street magic: tricks designed to be performed up close without the aid of a distant stage and dark theater. Blaine was able to hone his skills at the craft virtually anywhere, and by 1996 his act scored him a deal with ABC for a TV special titled David Blaine: Street Magic. The program captured him performing illusions for impressed and frequently terrified people in public places and was such a hit with audiences that he would go on to film several more specials in the years to come, each one capturing a new and seemingly more dangerous stunt, such as being encased in a block of ice for 63 hours and hanging upside down for a day and a half. Other stunts involved the extreme deprivation of oxygen, food, and water.


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