
Despite his immortalization as schoolyard bully Scott Farkus in A Christmas Story (1983), Zack Ward has a resumé spanning much further than the long-standing holiday favorite. The Canadian actor is well known for his role as Dave Scovil on the darkly humorous, Emmy-nominated sitcom Titus, and has participated in a number of prime-time dramas including Crossing Jordan, NCIS, and Lost. Ward can be seen in two video-game inspired films: BloodRayne 2, and Resident Evil: Apocalypse; he also appears briefly as an ill-fated soldier in director Michael Bay's blockbuster Transformers (2007).

Zack Ward
September 1, 1973 (age 51)

Toby Canham/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images


Despite his immortalization as schoolyard bully Scott Farkus in A Christmas Story (1983), Zack Ward has a resumé spanning much further than the long-standing holiday favorite. The Canadian actor is well known for his role as Dave Scovil on the darkly humorous, Emmy-nominated sitcom Titus, and has participated in a number of prime-time dramas including Crossing Jordan, NCIS, and Lost. Ward can be seen in two video-game inspired films: BloodRayne 2, and Resident Evil: Apocalypse; he also appears briefly as an ill-fated soldier in director Michael Bay's blockbuster Transformers (2007).

Director / Producer

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