
Granite-faced, mustachioed American character actor Pat Harmon began his film career in 1922. A comedy "regular," Harmon was closely associated with Harold Lloyd in the 1920s, playing the juicy role of the college football coach in The Freshman (1925). During the talkie era, he worked with The Marx Brothers in Monkey Business (1931, as the harried passport official) and Laurel & Hardy (as the tongue-twisting conductor in 1929's Berth Marks and the field officer in 1932's Pack Up Your Troubles). In addition, Pat Harmon worked steadily at Paramount and MGM as Wallace Beery's double.

Pat Harmon
February 3, 1888 - November 26, 1958 (aged 70)


Granite-faced, mustachioed American character actor Pat Harmon began his film career in 1922. A comedy "regular," Harmon was closely associated with Harold Lloyd in the 1920s, playing the juicy role of the college football coach in The Freshman (1925). During the talkie era, he worked with The Marx Brothers in Monkey Business (1931, as the harried passport official) and Laurel & Hardy (as the tongue-twisting conductor in 1929's Berth Marks and the field officer in 1932's Pack Up Your Troubles). In addition, Pat Harmon worked steadily at Paramount and MGM as Wallace Beery's double.

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The Crowd poster art
Sons of the Desert poster art
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde poster art
The Freshman poster art
My Best Girl poster art
Fargo Express poster art
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Hot Water poster art
Berth Marks poster art
Spite Marriage poster art
Parachute Jumper poster art
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Her Man poster art
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