
One of America's most beloved and enduring game-show hosts, Bob Barker got his broadcasting start on the radio before making the leap to television in 1956 as the host of Truth or Consequences. He held that job for 18 years, and in 1972 became host of The Price Is Right, his most famous gig. In 2007, Barker finally gave up hosting duties on The Price Is Right after more than 30 years. Though he rarely acted, Barker occasionally played himself and did so in a scene-stealing role in the 1996 Adam Sandler comedy Happy Gilmore. He and Sandler even shared an MTV Movie Award for the performance. A passionate advocate for animal rights, Barker famously closed every broadcast with a plea to viewers to have their pets spayed and neutered.


Bob Barker
December 12, 1923 - August 26, 2023 (aged 99)
Darrington, Washington, USA


One of America's most beloved and enduring game-show hosts, Bob Barker got his broadcasting start on the radio before making the leap to television in 1956 as the host of Truth or Consequences. He held that job for 18 years, and in 1972 became host of The Price Is Right, his most famous gig. In 2007, Barker finally gave up hosting duties on The Price Is Right after more than 30 years. Though he rarely acted, Barker occasionally played himself and did so in a scene-stealing role in the 1996 Adam Sandler comedy Happy Gilmore. He and Sandler even shared an MTV Movie Award for the performance. A passionate advocate for animal rights, Barker famously closed every broadcast with a plea to viewers to have their pets spayed and neutered.


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