
Known to many fans as Marlo Stanfield on the critically acclaimed series The Wire, actor Jamie Hector began learning his craft in high school, performing with a community theater group. Later, in college, Hector began scoring paid gigs, like minor appearances on Law & Order and New York Undercover. Soon he was picking up more prominent roles in films like Ghost Dog and was cast in The Wire. A short time later, he took up a recurring role on the series Heroes, and in the 2008 film Max Payne.


Jamie Hector
October 7, 1975 (age 48)
Brooklyn, New York, USA


Known to many fans as Marlo Stanfield on the critically acclaimed series The Wire, actor Jamie Hector began learning his craft in high school, performing with a community theater group. Later, in college, Hector began scoring paid gigs, like minor appearances on Law & Order and New York Undercover. Soon he was picking up more prominent roles in films like Ghost Dog and was cast in The Wire. A short time later, he took up a recurring role on the series Heroes, and in the 2008 film Max Payne.


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