
British actress Amanda Brooks premiered onscreen as an ingenue in her early twenties, in films of extremely diverse content. These included the Jodie Foster thriller Flightplan (2005), actor-turned-director William Katt's gentle family-oriented drama River's End (2005), and Korean director Shim Hyung-rae's effects-heavy monster saga Dragon Wars (2007).

Amanda Brooks
June 22, 1981 (age 43)
New York, New York, USA


British actress Amanda Brooks premiered onscreen as an ingenue in her early twenties, in films of extremely diverse content. These included the Jodie Foster thriller Flightplan (2005), actor-turned-director William Katt's gentle family-oriented drama River's End (2005), and Korean director Shim Hyung-rae's effects-heavy monster saga Dragon Wars (2007).

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