
Barton Heyman played character roles on stage and screen. While others aspire to stardom, Heyman described himself as a "working actor," one who prefers to work as a team with other cast members. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Heyman earned a degree in theater arts from U.C.L.A. before launching his career. He made his film debut in the Canadian-made The Naked Flame (1968) and had his first major role in the thriller Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971). Subsequent film roles were quite diverse for the slender, balding actor. In 1995, he played the prison guard who escorts Sean Penn down Death Row for his final appointment in Dead Man Walking. Heyman's Broadway work included appearances in Indians and The Enclave. Heyman also occasionally appeared on television movies such as For Love and Glory (1993). Heyman died of a heart attack in his Manhattan home on May 15, 1996.

Barton Heyman
January 24, 1937 - May 15, 1996 (aged 59)
Washington, D.C., USA


Barton Heyman played character roles on stage and screen. While others aspire to stardom, Heyman described himself as a "working actor," one who prefers to work as a team with other cast members. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Heyman earned a degree in theater arts from U.C.L.A. before launching his career. He made his film debut in the Canadian-made The Naked Flame (1968) and had his first major role in the thriller Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971). Subsequent film roles were quite diverse for the slender, balding actor. In 1995, he played the prison guard who escorts Sean Penn down Death Row for his final appointment in Dead Man Walking. Heyman's Broadway work included appearances in Indians and The Enclave. Heyman also occasionally appeared on television movies such as For Love and Glory (1993). Heyman died of a heart attack in his Manhattan home on May 15, 1996.

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