
The red-haired and slightly ruddy-faced American character actor Sam Huntington first established his reputation with supporting roles in a series of goofy, off-the-wall comedies such as Jungle 2 Jungle (1997), Detroit Rock City (1999), and actor-cum-director Thomas Haden Church's stoner farce Rolling Kansas (2002). Huntington shifted genres and delivered a respectable (if unremarkable) lead performance under the aegis of another actor-turned-helmer, William Katt, in the family-oriented coming-of-age drama River's End (2005). Unfortunately, it received mostly negative reviews and severely limited distribution that kept it out of most mainstream theaters. In 2006, however, Huntington earned greater recognition with a memorable turn as newspaper photographer Jimmy Olsen in the blockbuster Superman Returns. In fall 2007, he took on a regular role as a Neanderthal on the bizarre ad campaign-turned-sitcom Cavemen. The actor joined the cast of Syfy's Being Human (the American version of the BBC's series of the same name) in 2011 to play a werewolf.


Sam Huntington
April 1, 1982 (age 42)
Peterborough, New Hampshire, USA


The red-haired and slightly ruddy-faced American character actor Sam Huntington first established his reputation with supporting roles in a series of goofy, off-the-wall comedies such as Jungle 2 Jungle (1997), Detroit Rock City (1999), and actor-cum-director Thomas Haden Church's stoner farce Rolling Kansas (2002). Huntington shifted genres and delivered a respectable (if unremarkable) lead performance under the aegis of another actor-turned-helmer, William Katt, in the family-oriented coming-of-age drama River's End (2005). Unfortunately, it received mostly negative reviews and severely limited distribution that kept it out of most mainstream theaters. In 2006, however, Huntington earned greater recognition with a memorable turn as newspaper photographer Jimmy Olsen in the blockbuster Superman Returns. In fall 2007, he took on a regular role as a Neanderthal on the bizarre ad campaign-turned-sitcom Cavemen. The actor joined the cast of Syfy's Being Human (the American version of the BBC's series of the same name) in 2011 to play a werewolf.


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