

Season 3 (2016, TV14)

Season 3 (2016, TV14)7.8


Season 3 (2016, TV14)

Season 3 (2016, TV14)



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Action, Adventure, Crime drama, Drama, Mystery, Science fiction, Thriller, Suspense


James Gordon is a rising detective in the dangerously corrupt Gotham City, where his late father was a successful district attorney. Brave, honest and determined to prove himself, Gordon must navigate the dirty politics of Gotham's justice system as well as the rise of malevolent villains, including The Penguin, The Riddler and Catwoman. The series also chronicles the life of young Bruce Wayne, who becomes an orphan when his billionaire parents Thomas and Martha Wayne are murdered. Gordon becomes a friend to young Bruce as he finds his way toward becoming the iconic caped crusader.


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Ben McKenzie

Detective James Gordon

Ben McKenzie

Donal Logue

Harvey Bullock

Donal Logue

David Mazouz

Bruce Wayne / 514A / Batman

David Mazouz

Morena Baccarin

Dr. Leslie "Lee" Thompkins

Morena Baccarin

Sean Pertwee


Sean Pertwee

Robin Lord Taylor

Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin

Robin Lord Taylor

Erin Richards

Barbara Kean

Erin Richards

Camren Bicondova

Selina Kyle/The Future Catwoman

Camren Bicondova

Cory Michael Smith

Edward Nygma/The Future Riddler

Cory Michael Smith

Drew Powell

Butch Gilzean / Solomon Grundy

Drew Powell

Jessica Lucas

Tabitha Galavan

Jessica Lucas

Chris Chalk

Lucius Fox

Chris Chalk

Jada Pinkett Smith

Fish Mooney

Jada Pinkett Smith

Michael Chiklis

Nathaniel Barnes / Executioner

Michael Chiklis

Maggie Geha

The Future Poison Ivy

Maggie Geha

Zabryna Guevara

Sarah Essen

Zabryna Guevara

Naian González Norvind

Guest Star

Naian González Norvind

Jamie Chung

Valerie Vale

Jamie Chung

B.D. Wong

Guest Star

B.D. Wong

Benedict Samuel

Jervis Tetch / Mad Hatter

Benedict Samuel

Ivana Milicevic

Guest Star

Ivana Milicevic

Michael Stoyanov

Guest Star

Michael Stoyanov

Cameron Monaghan

Jerome Valeska / Jeremiah Valeska / Joker

Cameron Monaghan

James Carpinello

Guest Star

James Carpinello

Paul Reubens

Guest Star

Paul Reubens

Tonya Pinkins

Ethel Peabody

Tonya Pinkins

James Remar

Guest Star

James Remar

Jerry Dixon

Mr Thatch

Jerry Dixon

Alexander Siddig

Ra's Al Ghul

Alexander Siddig

James Andrew O'Connor

Guest Star

James Andrew O'Connor

Nicholas Calhoun

Guest Star

Nicholas Calhoun

H. Foley

Winston Peters

H. Foley

Jeremy Crutchley

Guest Star

Jeremy Crutchley

John Doman

Guest Star

John Doman

Leslie Hendrix

Guest Star

Leslie Hendrix

Richard Kind

Mayor Aubrey James

Richard Kind

Camila Pérez


Camila Pérez

James Frain

Theo Galavan / Azrael

James Frain

Raymond J. Barry

Temple Shaman

Raymond J. Barry

Chelsea Spack

Kristen Kringle / Isabella

Chelsea Spack

Kieran Mulcare

Guest Star

Kieran Mulcare

William Abadie

Guest Star

William Abadie

Costa Ronin

Guest Star

Costa Ronin

Nathan Darrow

Victor Fries / Mr. Freeze

Nathan Darrow

Clare Foley

Guest Star

Clare Foley

Kelcy Griffin


Kelcy Griffin

David Dastmalchian

Guest Star

David Dastmalchian

Gerald Bunsen

Guest Star

Gerald Bunsen

James Mount

Guest Star

James Mount

Michael Park

Guest Star

Michael Park

Anthony Carrigan

Victor Zsasz

Anthony Carrigan

P.J. Marshall

Guest Star

P.J. Marshall

Jan Maxwell

Guest Star

Jan Maxwell

Dave Quay

Guest Star

Dave Quay

J.W. Cortes

Detective Alvarez / Alvarez

J.W. Cortes

Crystal Reed

Sofia Falcone

Crystal Reed

David Zayas

Sal Maroni

David Zayas

Andrew Sellon

Mr. Penn / Scarface

Andrew Sellon

Carol Kane

Gertrude Kapelput

Carol Kane

Francesca Root-Dodson


Francesca Root-Dodson

Robin Taylor

Robin Taylor

Makenzie Leigh


Makenzie Leigh

Natalie Alyn Lind

Silver St. Cloud

Natalie Alyn Lind

Victoria Cartagena

Victoria Cartagena

Andrew Stewart-Jones

Crispus Allen

Andrew Stewart-Jones

David W. Thompson

Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow

David W. Thompson

Krista Braun

Jennifer Luree / Reporter on TV / Journalist

Krista Braun

Nicholas D'Agosto

Harvey Dent

Nicholas D'Agosto

Peter Scolari

Commissioner Loeb

Peter Scolari

Michael Cerveris

Professor Pyg

Michael Cerveris

Michelle Veintimilla

Bridgit Pike / Firefly

Michelle Veintimilla

Peyton List

Ivy Pepper / Poison Ivy

Peyton List

Jaime Murray

Theresa Walker / Nyssa Al Ghul / Theresa Walker (voice)

Jaime Murray

Shiva Kalaiselvan


Shiva Kalaiselvan

Alex Corrado


Alex Corrado


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