
Actor Kunal Nayyar first made a splash in Hollywood playing physicist Koothrappali on the series The Big Bang Theory, which debuted on CBS in 2007. In 2012 Nayyar voiced the character of Gupta in Ice Age: Continental Drift, and the following year he could be seen opposite Gina Gershon and Billy Campbell in the thriller, The Scribbler. In addition to his feature work Nayyar also co-wrote the critically acclaimed play Cotton Candy, which runs in New Delhi.


Kunal Nayyar
April 30, 1981 (age 43)
London, England, UK


Actor Kunal Nayyar first made a splash in Hollywood playing physicist Koothrappali on the series The Big Bang Theory, which debuted on CBS in 2007. In 2012 Nayyar voiced the character of Gupta in Ice Age: Continental Drift, and the following year he could be seen opposite Gina Gershon and Billy Campbell in the thriller, The Scribbler. In addition to his feature work Nayyar also co-wrote the critically acclaimed play Cotton Candy, which runs in New Delhi.


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