
Many know Ted Allen for his role as one of the "Fab Five" on TV's Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. A native of the Midwest, Allen developed a love of food and cooking as a child, eventually leading to the expertise as a gourmet that would fuel his career. In addition to his part on Queer Eye from 2003 to 2007, Allen acted as a host and/or judge on Top Chef, Chopped, Food Detectives, as well as a PBS miniseries called Uncorked: Wine Made Simple.


Ted Allen
May 20, 1965 (age 59)
Columbus, Ohio, USA


Many know Ted Allen for his role as one of the "Fab Five" on TV's Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. A native of the Midwest, Allen developed a love of food and cooking as a child, eventually leading to the expertise as a gourmet that would fuel his career. In addition to his part on Queer Eye from 2003 to 2007, Allen acted as a host and/or judge on Top Chef, Chopped, Food Detectives, as well as a PBS miniseries called Uncorked: Wine Made Simple.


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